About Us

About Us


We hold monthly events across Queensland designed to bring women together and change their thinking.
We also have two memberships working alongside business women to support their growth, provide resources and create peer to peer mentoring relationships.
We are not going to stop there. We have dreams of another stream for teenagers and young women, start ups and much much more!
Brisbane's best unnetworky events for women
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Stand around awkwardly staring at our shoes like most stuffy networking events


Burn our bras and chant anti male sentiments

Tear women down who are more successful than us, despite the fact it can be tempting when we are struggling (let’s be honest)

Expect everything to be equal. We are not the same as men. And The Belle Evolution is about understanding we do not have to be! We just have to learn to break the mould.

WHAT WE actually do

Eat a crapload of cheese

Have more than one wine

Collaborate and connect with likeminded women

Talk about what’s hard

Celebrate wins

Educate ourselves about money, resilience, profit, growth strategies, marketing, productivity, and other tools we need

Learn to become risk takers

Change the world


The Belle Evolution was born after the founder, Jessica Ndenda, found herself in a pit. Riddled with exhaustion from wearing too many hats, feeling like an imposter constantly and no one in her life or her poor hubby getting it.
After winning a major award in 2019 for her other business, Olive Louise Social, the process of storytelling and being forced to talk about such things meant an instrumental change of thinking in her own journey as she recognised how important it was to talk about this stuff and know others were going through it too. At the same time, many clients and women in her business circle had a tough year, both personally and professionally and Jess found herself constantly a sounding board for the same ideas and thoughts.
Combine this with having a fourth baby (now succeeded by one more) and people throwing constant sympathy at her for being a working mum, instead of recognising how a woman’s identity has changed and that she WANTS to be a working mum and that is perfectly ok… She threw her hands in the air one night and decided to ‘set up’ all these people in a room. People she knew would get value out of connecting and people she knew could do with an open discussion and cutting the fluff out of some real issues.
Despite no intentions of continuing these events, it was very well received. The women who connected in business and personally, and from there a community was born.
Now, these events are held on the last Wednesday of every month and pride themselves on bringing some of Brisbane’s best women in business and leadership together to cut the small talk and start a very real conversation. Whilst having a good time doing it!
Now we also run workshops and will be expanding to more locations across Australia very soon!

got questions ... we have answers

Workshops are currently capped at 20 people and events normally see 80-100

Both events are bi-monthly in Brisbane and sporadically across Australia. Members also have a regular event schedule. Check out events page to see our current schedule.

Some of Brisbane’s most outstanding leaders as both speakers and guests. All are welcome!



Aaaaaaaand ……

There is wine.  There is heaps of food if cheese isn’t your thang.  There are amazing women. And, there are epic conversations. But most of all, it’s a darn good party. 

We make sure the conversation flows, you are not expected to start these yourself. We have a no loner team making sure you meet the right people, yes we do our homework!
We are a collaborative and safe environment. We do not let bitchy or boring people in. #joking #kinda
We create a party atmosphere before bringing everyone together for the speaking portion where our speakers will blow your mind. 
So forget everything you know about networking events and get ready to partay!