Meet Jess
Hi, I’m Jess, owner of The Belle Evolution. I am a frock-wearing, cheese-loving, mum of five kids who also runs a boutique marketing agency here in Brisbane. I started The Belle Evolution because I wanted to create a space for women that did things differently… and because I really like parties.
Jessica Ndenda is an award-winning business owner, public speaker and women in business activist. Leaving her reputable corporate career in Learning and Development and sales and building Olive Louise Social in 2015, she has successfully built one of Brisbane’s most recognised boutique marketing agencies, leading a team of 8 hardworking mothers whilst raising her own tribe of 5 children. She started The Belle Evolution at the peak of her own self doubt, limiting beliefs and exhaustion of being thrown sympathy of being a working mum.
Since starting this conversation, her personal brand boomed as she used it as a space to show the real, the unapologetic and the things most people think but never say in true Jess style. She is passionate about using her story to showcase to women to that they really can have it all if they are intentional about changing their thinking of what they are ‘supposed’ to do and learning practical tools to help them succeed. Jess is known for working the hardest, laughing the loudest and dreaming the biggest all whilst rocking her weird and wonderful frocks!

I’m glad you asked

Because even though I was frequenting networking events in Brisbane every week, I couldn’t find one where I could have a real conversation about what it was like to be a woman in business and all the things I am struggling with.

Because I truly believe creating collaborations and connections with the right people will see both ourselves personally, and our businesses grow.

Because someone has to start the tough conversations in order to create change.

Because we need to change the mould and create our own version of success instead of spending so much energy trying to prove we are the same as men. We are not the same. We are different in so many ways, and we can be stronger by recognising this and changing the way we, and our workplaces think.

Because the mum guilt is real. We need to know when to listen to it and when to rise above it.

Because we need to change the catty culture and support each other (yes, even our competitors) when we are threatened, instead of beating our selves up or tearing others down.

Because doing this, completely scared the living daylights out of me. Putting my true, most authentic self out there and everything I have to say, and hoping someone wants to listen. But because I also truly believe it’s what I am supposed to do to change the world.

Speaking roles
Because this girl LOOOOOOVES to talk
Be it panels, workshops, meetings, brunches, and everything in between Jess is keen as beans to come and speak at your event. Jess will be sure to bring her ridiculously joyous self to whatever occasion.
Get in contact with Jess to book her to speak at your next event!

If you need someone to help brainstorm, plan, structure your ideas, make an action plan, be your cheerleader and kick your butt, you can book a mentoring session with Jess here.